T500 Tacometer at redline

The 2-Stroke Motorcycle Experience: Part III - Add to Bucket List: Ride an Early 70s 2-Stroke

It takes a while to stop grinning after being on any stink wheels. To begin with, there’s the sound. My T500, emits a low, poppity-poppity-pop-pop burble at idle, a deceivingly reserved, almost civilized going-to-the-pub buzz below 4,000 RPM and a hell-bent-for-leather mmmwwaaaahhhh above that. Jekyll


The 2-Stroke Motorcycle Experience: Part II - Why don’t we see 2-strokes on the road today?

They were fast. They delivered an instant rush to the cerebral cortex. Their engines were easy to maintain. So, why don’t we see 2-Stroke motorcycles on the roads anymore? In Part Two of our series on 2-Strokes, we delve into the demise of the road-going

The 2-Stroke Motorcycle Experience: Part I - What’s a 2-Stroke?

“Hey buddy, your bike is smoking a lot!" I’ve become accustomed to this reaction when I pull up to a stop light on my 1974 Suzuki T500 motorcycle. My T500 has a 2-stroke engine—it burns oil in addition to the gasoline that most engines use—which

3 Must-Have Items Every Car Emergency Kit Should Include For Winter Driving!

Winter is upon us; and with it, an increased risk of vehicle trouble as a result of ice, snow and colder temperatures. Calls to CAA definitely increase. According to Murielle Pierre, Manager of Public Affairs at CAA National, "Winter volume is generally higher than that


Winter Tires—Are They Worth the Cost?

If you live in Florida, you don’t need winter tires. If you have a furnace in your home, however, you would do well to consider them for your vehicle. In this post, we’ll look at how winter tires differ from all-season and summer tires, the

Should I Warm Up The Engine Before Driving?

Idling a cold engine before starting to drive not only wastes fuel (an expensive commodity these days) but it is also tough on the environment. Yet, this is something many people continue to do every day before starting out. Two common theories being that a

Tie Rod End

Tie Rod Ends - What They Are and Why You Should Care

Tie Rod Ends are are the “arms” that push your wheels right or left when you turn the steering wheel. As a tie rod end wears over time, it loosens, causing vibrations and shakes which can be felt in the steering wheel while the vehicle

MyRide901 User Interface

It’s Here. It’s Real. And it’s Spectacular: MyRide901 is Ready for Launch

Development is complete, all systems are Go, and we are preparing to taxi out to the launch pad. Here’s a sneak peak at the vehicle maintenance log that will change the way you care for your ride. https://youtu.be/3ECvt_OBrd8 This snippet shows how you can share

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