Spring Maintenance Checklist: Do these 4 things before shifting into the summer driving season

Winter? What winter? Here in southwestern Ontario, Canada, I recall shovelling snow twice this season (No complaints, here!). Ah, but now it’s spring. The sun is out, the grass’s riz, and soon the heat of summer will be upon us. Time, then, to pause for

Car Accident

Choosing An Auto Collision Centre: 5 Things Every Car Owner Should Know

At the PCA UCR Tech Session last weekend, Lorenzo D'Alessandro, president of 427 Auto Collision, shared some of the changes his shop has adapted to over its 45-year history. Bumpers are one example: It used to be that, when there was a scratch in a

Do These 5 Things Before Storing Your Vehicle For The Winter

You and your ride have had some great times over the summer, and even managed to extend the season late into Fall. Now it’s time to hibernate for a few months until next season. Here are five Must-Dos before tucking in: 1. Change the oil

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